
Pecha Kucha Night Tallinn is back!

Pärast pikka pausi on Pecha Kucha Night Tallinn leidnud endale uue organisaatori. Pärit Bulgaariast aga juba mõnda aega Tallinnas resideeruv Svetla Gotsheva on täisajaga teadmishimuline esteetika fänn, hetkel ka doktorant Anadolu ülikoolis. Kui ta juba ei ole uues kohas kohanemas, siis on ta teel sinna. Tema oskus on kommunikatsioon, koordineerimine, ideede genereerimine ja lõbutsemine.

After a long break, Pecha Kucha Night Tallinn series has found a new city organizer. Originally from Bulgaria but residing in Tallinn for some time Svetla Gotcheva is a full time curious and aesthetic fan, currently busy with her Ph.D. at Anadolu University. If she is not already trying to adapt to a new place she is on the way to explore. Her expertise is in communication, she coordinates, generates ideas and is always having fun!